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Girl seeks 120 help

The above is the full call between the girl and the medical staff, collected on the Internet.At present events can only be judged from existing recordings.The whole incident probably happened on the morning of May 17 in mainland China, and the girl was about 20 years old.From the recording, it can be seen that the girl is trying to seek medical help, her voice is weak, and she also tries to report her location to the medical staff. Although it is not clear enough, there are enough clues, but the medical staff at that time did not have professional skills and due occupation. Attitude and lost precious time.Here are some clues collected online.The purpose of this page is not to silence the voice, because in mainland China the government can make the voice disappear at any time, and the original intention of this page is to keep it as complete as possible, so that the people can know the truth of the matter, not the government’s lies.




Girl seeks 120 help
https://trueis.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Girl-seeks-120-help2.mp3 The above is the full call between the girl and the medical staff, collected on the Internet.At presen…